Easy Way To Make Money With Probux
Making money is so easy with Probux simple steps to earn don't waist your time Just Sign Up here
After Sign Up and click on view ads and first view advertisement of yellow colour and get money in your account when your account balance goes to 2 dollars then you withdraw by payza.
How To Get More Dollars from This?
you should see daily ads Go to your account summary get your refferal link and send it to your friends and past on Social Networking Sites And also post websites and blogs
People Sign Up through your refferal link its comes undere your down line and if they view daily ads you will get commision of 50% on your refferal earning.
In that way you increase your earning make more refferal friends and make more money
2nd way to increase your earning is you can Purchase refferal friends through Probux just paying $.20 dollars for the 30 days these refferals work for you for 30 days and get commission on that earning if any refferal not working you can chang it by giving $.07 and replace it after one month you can pay $.20 for next 30 days in this way you can increase your earning
Payza is only Paying In pakistan So 1st of all create your accont in payza here